Melbourne Cup Betting

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Sick of Sore Feet on Raceday?

With only a handful of days until the Melbourne Cup carnival begins, racing fans and party goers alike have been busy organising their outfits for the big 4 Flemington events, Derby, Cup, Oaks and Stakes Day.

As most females would know, the worst part of any raceday is not losing money at the track, or failing to meet the man of your dreams, but getting sore feet.

drunk-girls-melbourne-cupIt's a tough gig for you girls. If you wear flats you don't look as classy, if you take off your heels during the don't look as classy (see right) and if you leave them on all day, your feet end up sore and blistered.

But thanks to the brains of Ray Spiteri, there is now a product that is practical, affordable and effective. Blisterproof can be applied to the heel, toe or sole of your foot, and act as a second skin to prevent friction, the main cause of blisters.

Ray is an AFL footy trainer with years of experience treating professional athletes and a deep insight into the many ailments they regularly face.

Blisters were a common problem and his product was designed out of necessity, due to the lack of preventative options available.

But his innovation doesn't just work on athletes. They are perfect for anyone with new shoes, heavy booted tradesmen, and girls wearing high heels.

And yes ladies, you may have a higher pain threshold than men thanks to your high levels of oxytocin and endorphins required to get you through child birth, but sore feet are always something that seems to induce low pain tolerance.

So this week, don't put on a brave face and endure the pain of your new Jimmy Choo stilettos rubbing against your skin. The champagne might help for a while, but it will wear off and the blisters will be around for days!

Blisterproof is easy to apply and at $4 for a pair, it is the perfect raceday accessory.

Visit the Blisterproof website for more information
